Last weekend I decided it was probably time to see the dentist after...gasp almost 3 years. In my defense, 18 months of that was the mission! I made an appointment for Thursday, my day off and was nervous about the number of cavities they would find. The weekend passed and Monday night my jaw started to ache a little bit but nothing too terrible. However, Tuesday I was taking painkillers all day just to survive. That night it got so bad that it woke me and I had to put ice on it. Which by the way doesn't help when trying to sleep, although it does help cool off an overheating pregnant body. The next morning I called the dentist and luckily they could see me. I got an x-ray taken and they proceeded to show me the reason I was in so much pain...a big dark spot and a sad looking root. The diagnosis was I needed a ROOT CANAL! Oh the joy! They really took great care of me, numbed me right up and drilled and filed the heck (literally) out of my tooth. The picture above is how I felt, nearly 2 hours with my jaw wrenched open. I am feeling great now though and am so glad that someone is interested in teeth and knowing how to fix them. :)
1 month ago
A root canal?!?!?! yich!!! I'm so sorry! I'm so not a fan of going to the dentist, though I do have a really AWESOME dentist. I hope you are feeling better now! Wish i lived closer and I would make you some delicious treat. Maybe we will just have to play, and I'll make you a delicious treat to make up for it. Feel better!!
only your first. wait until you've had 12! glad it's better.
I realize it was probably very necessary, but did you know you're not supposed to get x-rays when you're pregnant?
I can totally relate. I went to the dentist last week after waiting almost 5 years! That last root canal and crown gave me my fill of the dentist for that long (or maybe it was just the bill). The bad part is my mouth was so bad I have to make another trip after a round of anti-biotics. I'm just glad I'm not the only adult who has an aversion to the dentist. Is that a picture of me at the dentist because it's totally how I feel when I go!
Okay, here's my memory:
Exercising in your living room with cans of corn and baked beans, and then Richard Simmons' Flat Abs in 7 days. Then we went with Naylor and Dan to stuff envelopes. I still do those tricep exercises by the way, just not with canned vegetables anymore. hee hee hee
Yikes! I dread dental work. I feel a little cavity in my mouth right now and I'm putting off dealing with it as long as possible...
When do you find out what you're having?!
Nicole i find out on Aug 11!
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